Tonight when we were laying in sofa and watched TV and ate candy Tony suddenly said “ah look a cat, look a cat!” He got up and pointed out on the balcony and I looked of course. I thought he meant on the street but there on our balcony one floor up the kitten came climbing. Haha I mean, what?! We opened the door and let her in and she was so happy. She was running around and played with her carton and toys and cuddled with a blanked. I saw the opportunely and took her in my arms and he pushed herself close close to me. She was in my arms for minutes and I can’t describe with words how happy I felt. I really miss the feeling of hugging my babies and cuddle my face in their hairy bodies and just breathe with them. The cat kept on playing around and we kept on watching TV. Suddenly we noticed how quiet the apartment was and I went to look for her. Where she was? She was laying on the way too long curtain (yes I know I should have cut them like a month and a half ago but time passed really fast) in our bedroom and slept. She was sleeping so sweet and I went back down to my man. When she woke up we let her out and now we will go to bed as well. Goodnight!libanonmix-060 libanonmix-066 libanonmix-073 libanonmix-075 libanonmix-078 libanonmix-081 (1) libanonmix-081


~WITH LOVE * Alva~